To enhance public awareness of mental health, The Department of Health of Hong Kong launched the "Shall We Talk" public education initiative in July 2020. As part of this initiative, they provided 24/7 hotlines for people in need. To handle requests effectively at any time and from anywhere, the Department of Health sought the expertise of Parami AI to develop a chatbot. They faced several challenges, including:
They needed to handle a large number of "Ask-For-Help" (AFH) inquiries weekly. This required a system that could manage a large volume of requests efficiently.
It was essential to classify these inquiries based on the urgency of the help required to ensure that critical cases received prompt attention.
There was a need to organize and direct different AFH inquiries timely to provide appropriate feedback and support.
Effective follow-up and referral of cases to related resources were necessary to provide comprehensive support and ensure continuity of care.
To address these challenges, we leveraged our AI Customization solution and developed a comprehensive chatbot tailored to the Department of Health's needs. Here’s how we leveraged the A to fulfill their needs:
We organized and transformed the existing content into structured data to facilitate efficient processing and management.
The AI model was trained extensively, with over 500 training sessions using PARA AI, to ensure it could handle a wide range of inquiries accurately.
A best-fit conversation flow was developed to streamline interactions and provide users with clear and helpful responses.
We created a unique professional "Customer Service Robot" avatar, which was available 24/7 to provide continuous support and manage inquiries effectively.
This solution resulted in the efficient classification of a large number of AFH inquiries based on urgency, ensuring that critical cases were promptly addressed and directed to appropriate resources.